
Lancia Motor Club AGM July 2011

It's all happening! I've made it to the LMC AGM on Sunday and I bring you my trophies. There were over 80 cars and I thought that if I take picture of every single one, I will not have time for anything else. So here are my personal favourites of the day.
Little Y10, all alone in its class
Thesis - the 100th Anniversary edition
My favourite one
Hyena (long time no see!)
Beta Spider
Fulvia with crazy tuning
Zagato beast

To tell you the truth, it was a great day. The weather was pretty warm, could have done with an ice cream van! And a bouncy castle for the kids. Some of them looked well bored, but I can understand that. Try listening to your dad do the the tech talk for hours and hours and stay awake. Mind you, when those kids grow up, they will be the future of the LMC, so it's better they get used to it from the early age...

P.S. I was going to do a massive report on the AGM, but to be honest, I think I'll leave you with the pictures for now and do a write up later. That'll keep me focused... 

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