
Double Headline Post

It's all happening! I don't know where to start, so let's get the obvious bit out the way first.

Today Spot-a-Lancia website is celebrating it's first anniversary! On September 23rd 2010 I wrote my first note here and that day was officially the beginning of the Lancia rollercoaster trip. I really don't want this to sound like some award acceptance speech, but there's no easy way out of it, is there? Ah, but yes, there is. I've limited myself to three thank you's:
...to everyone who has been involved in making this website what it is today and to everyone who took the time to show their support. You know who you are.
...to a very special person, who happened to be an indirect inspiration for this website, and who still remains a huge inspiration to me personally.
...to my Dad, who has not only been putting up with my invading his territory and asking silly questions, but who has managed to pass his passion for all things Lancia onto me in the first place.

Now then, the very important news. Saving the best till last, of course. The Lancia Hunter has been officially appointed as the Press Officer of the Lancia Motor Club UK. There, I said it. It's going to be my biggest challenge yet and whilst I'm very excited about this opportunity, I have to admit I am also... well... slightly nervous. But then again, who wouldn't be? I'll be on the LMC stand at the NEC Classic Motor Show 11-13th November, so come and say hi!

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